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Theo Raffin

Théo is a French multidisciplinary artist born in Lagny-sur-Marne on January 12, 2000. From a young age, he showed a great interest in music, particularly the piano, which he taught himself until the age of 12 when he began taking music theory classes at a music school.

In 2014, as he started learning the clarinet, he was accepted into the Aretha Franklin College in Marciac (France), known for its jazz music initiation workshop (AIMJ).

In 2015, he was accepted into the Tarbes Conservatory where he began a jazz cycle on the clarinet with Mathieu Samani, as well as piano and vocal technique classes. The following year, he started classical singing lessons under the guidance of Anne-Laure Touya. At the same time, he took clarinet lessons with Chantal Souyeau.


In 2018, Théo was accepted into the Bordeaux Conservatory for classical singing with Sharon Coste, as well as bass clarinet with Stéphane Kwiatek. Additionally, he was accepted into a bachelor's program in contemporary music, jazz, and French songwriting (which he completed in 2021). He made the difficult decision in 2020 to set aside the clarinet to focus fully on singing until 2021.

In 2021, he was accepted into the Faculty of Music at the University of Montreal for a one-year exchange program, where he studied with Richard Margison and other professors and coaches such as Rosemarie Landry, Robin Wheeler, and Francis Perron. That same year, he began a distance master's program in music education with the University of Tours (France).


In 2022, he decided to stay and enrolled in a master's program in classical singing interpretation, still with the same professor. This university has already provided him with extensive stage experience with the orchestra through solo roles in opera productions, as well as other projects (galas, baroque workshops, etc.). He was also awarded the Anne-Marie Trahan Excellence Scholarship in the fall of 2022, the George-Cédric Fergusson Excellence Scholarship in September 2023, and the Gadbois Scholarship in April 2024. He was also awarded the Francis Poulenc Prize from the Young Lyrical Ambassador program of Canada.


Théo Raffin completed his MEEF (Master of Teaching in Education and Training) in music in 2023 with honors and has just completed his master's in classical singing with the University of Montreal with the honor mentioned from the jury.

Today, he also works as a private piano teacher and leads the musical group KINOR in Montreal.


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